Carveout Your Pharmacy Benefits
If you are not carving out the Pharmacy Benefit from your carrier... did you know?
- You have no defined discounts
- No choice of retail network
- No defined Pharmacy contract
- No defined Rebates
You are agreeing that the carrier owns/runs the benefit plan... NOT YOU.
What can you expect from Script Care's customized plan designs?
- Lower claim cost
- Higher rebates (not a credit)
- Actual Plan Management
- Reporting-up to the minute
- Options that work best for the Plan
- Defined Pharmacy Contract
- Defined Performance Guarantees
- Dedicated Account Team
- Direct relationship with Pharmacy Professionals
- Attuned to your goals and provides customized solutions
- Proactive review of plan performance and recommendations
- Customizable Member Specific Communications
- Customizable Utilization Management
- Disease management data interchange
A Pharmacy Benefit Plan that works best for the employer and not the Carrier.